okay just a few words... can you see my life vest?
yesterday at the pool all the old people were doing it...
so i just had to try
actually it was way comfy
but slightly awk
k. did it too.
it looks funny in the butt
our car broke down... three hours later we got back to the resort.
a. needed a pick-me-up
so we were teasing her...
then we stopped to an awkward sister shot
well mainly k. made her laugh by attacking her in the water but hey! that's all good
what the?
my hair is all curly!
i so wish it looked like that all the time
so i must explain these next photos... c. and i were doing nothing. {supposedly minding our own business} and it shows off in these photos...
i blame mom (: she told us she wanted pictures
i was backing away...
it looks like im going all girlie
not a punch!
for sures not a punch... more like a tackle...
he thought he could get me in without going in too...
that didnt happen
oh how i love C. man
he is great.